Are you a plan fiduciary, trustee or sponsor? Do you have an executive management or financial management responsibility to your company? Are you a human resources influencer for your organization?
Are you satisfied articulating the following to your current plan participants?:
• Do I really understand the 401(k) market?
• Who is actively monitoring my 401(k) plan?
• When was the last time we benchmarked our plan?
• How much is my plan paying in hidden fees?
• Who is performing ongoing due diligence of the funds?
• How do our returns compare to the market?
• What are we doing to enhance investment opportunities?
• When did we have our last trustee plan review meeting?
• When was our last enrollment meeting?
• Do we offer continuing financial education to employees?
• Are we ERISA 404(a) and 404(c) compliant?
• Do we have an investment policy statement?
• Are plan fiduciaries considered investment experts?
• Do we have our documents in order for the DOL and IRS?
• Can fiduciaries really be held personally liable?
We’re always available, please contact us at 401(k) Professionals and we’d be happy to see if we can help you!